Wednesday, 6 February 2008

My eye color: Grey green
My hair color: Whatever comes out of the box
Height: 167 cm
Right-handed or left-handed: right
My best physical feature: no best - all average average average
Number of piercings: two - one in each ear
Number of tattoos: nil
My weight: over
Favorite car: porshe 911
My perfect pizza: salami, black olives, green pepper, pineapple
Favorite candy bar: peanut butter M&M's
Favorite cartoon as a child: Pinky and the Brain (ok, I was an adult already...)
Favorite sport: huh?
Favorite color: blue
Favorite celebrity: not really into celebrity
Favorite food dish: roast lamb with all the trimmings
All-time favorite sports team: pardon?
My best friend(s): Desi, Cindy and Karene
Favorite clothing brand: not into brands
Favorite scent: Cool Water for Women; Noa
My favorite music genre: no favourite
My favorite singer: no favourite
My favorite movie: no favourite
My favorite season: winter
Favorite drink: chai latté
Favorite ice cream flavor: phish food
Your favorite book: impossible question
Favorite day of the week: Friday
Favorite item that you currently own: my jeans
Favorite author: impossible question
Favorite chewing gum brand: don't chew gum
Shoes you wore today: wannabe crocs
Do you shower daily: nope - I like baths, too
In the past month have you drunk alcohol: yes
In the past month have you smoked: no
In the past month have you been on drugs: Migril - don't go anywhere without them
In the past month have you gone on a date: yes
In the past month have I been on stage: not this month
Pepsi or Coke: neither
McDonalds or Burger King: neither
Single or Group Dates: either
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: either
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: coffee
Silver or Gold: silver
Would you rather be rich or famous: neither
Heads or tails: heads K
isses or hugs: hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs
Sweet or sour: sweet
Do you smoke: no
Do you swear: ask the leg of the dining room table
My weaknesses: chocolate and freshly backed bread
My fears: suffering. not too keen on the dark, either
Ever been called a tease: no
Pet peeve: People going 30 in a 60 zone
Do you like yourself: some of the time
When I'm sad or down, I... snuggle the hubby
Define yourself in 3 words... scatty, insightful, opinionated
Are you a very emotional person: yes
Do you sing: frequently
Do you play a musical instrument: poorly
Goal you would like to achieve this year: become a more attentive listener
Do you want to go to college: again? yes, please!
Do you want to get married: been there, done that, sleep in the T-shirt
What you want to be when you grow up: a clinical psychologist or counsellor
My most overused phrase on IM: np
Thoughts first waking up: thoughts? you must be joking My bedtime: 9 or 9.30 pm
Do you get motion sickness: sometimes
Have you been in love: yes
Do you think you're attractive: borderline
Do you get along with your parents: yes
Do you like thunderstorms: yes
When you were little, you used to... climb trees
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever shoplifted: no
How you want to die: in my sleep
My parents are... living around the corner.
Do you have children: not yet
Do you believe in love at first sight: not really
Do you have pets: 1 Boerboel x Ridgeback, 2 seal-point Siamese
Dream vacation: somewhere warm, by the sea with lots of books...oh yeah - I already live here.
One time I got drunk and... I did?
What can't you live without: oxygen
Have you ever fired a gun: no
Do you like answering these questions: they're ok
Who was the last person that called you: a client
Are you a good driver: not really
Do you have a crush on anyone: no
What is your phone's current ringtone: not a clue
Are you ticklish: yes
The longest you've gone without sleeping: a night - clearly I don't have children
What would you do with a million dollars: give it away
What makes you laugh: dry wit
Do you believe in God: yes
Most embarrassing moment: (At 16 years) hitting the wrong note in a song at the top of my voice in front of a huge audience of boys.
Have you ever moved: yes - too many times
What magazines do you read: don't read beauty magazines. they only make you feel ugly.

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