Sunday 1 January 2012

Rhythm - One Word 365 for 2012

For as long as I can remember, I've been one of those people that is always striving. It was as though there has been a banner over my life which says:

'No matter how hard I try, I'm never good enough.'

This is a lie. And we all know where those come from. The father of lies in the pit of hell.

This lie has impacted how I live my life, the choices I make - daily and for changes in my life, and all my relationships, especially - obviously - my relationship with God.

So, this year, God (present with me and a strong Warrior here to save me - Zeph 3:17) and I are going to slay this dragon and deal with whatever is left of him.

This will be the year where:Strivings and all anguished dreams
In rags lie at my feet
And only grace provides the way
For me to stand complete

(Chris Bowater)

...and I actually get it.

Once, while worshipping God at a service at my Morden Baptist Church we were singing this song:

So I'm lifting up my hands
Lifting up my voice
Lifting up Your name
And in Your grace I rest
For Your love has come to me
And set me free

(Stuart Townend)

As I sang the words 'And in Your grace I rest' I saw a picture of a guy lying in a hammock. Your typical tropical scene - a hammock between two palm trees, the sense of peace and rest. He was chewing the end of a long piece of grass. And there were words underneath the picture:

'Not a care in the world'

Perhaps my new banner should be:

'In Your grace I rest - not a care in the world.'

There is a passage of scripture about this that just reads beautifully in The Message:

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me-watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

Matthew 11:28-30

This year I decided to get on board with some others who are choosing one word as a kind of touchstone for the year. You can read the original challenge for yourself. Join the One Word Community if you'd like.

My word will be RHYTHM and I'll be asking God to teach me the unforced rhythms of His grace until I exchange my old lying banner for 'In Your grace I rest - not a care in the world'.

What will you choose for 2012?

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